Are you looking for a way to give back and help others this holiday season? Here are some ways you can volunteer and give some of your time to helping others in need.
1. Meals on Wheels
This established organization brings nutritious meals to seniors who are at risk for hunger year-round, but they ramp up efforts around the holidays. You can find volunteer opportunities near you here.
2. Volunteer to go grocery shopping.
People in vulnerable populations might need your help to get groceries safely this holiday, especially during COVID-19. You can learn more about the volunteer process here. If you do, make sure you're being particularly careful in regards to COVID-19 precautions both during and after your shifts.
3. Volunteer at or donate to a food bank.
Many local food banks see an influx of volunteers around the holidays, which can actually overwhelm them. Be sure to ask specifically what they need when you're inquiring about volunteering. Maybe it's just some donated supplies. Maybe it's your time, but at a later date. Or maybe they could really use your time around the holidays. They will tell you what they need. Find a food bank near you here.
4. Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
Again, soup kitchens might be a bit overwhelmed with volunteers around this time of year, but if they are holding any specific holidays meals, they might have room for more volunteers. Give them a call and see when they need you and what they need from you. You can find a soup kitchen near you here.
5. Find or start a clothing drive.
Keep your eyes out for clothing drives near you or contact local organizations to see if you can help start one.
6. Adopt a family.
Places like the River Hills Mall have a table set up where you can find the name of someone or a family to purchase a gift card to give to someone in need.
7. Make a monetary donation.
Many organizations are overwhelmed this time of year with in person volunteers. Why not consider making a monetary donation to an organization or to donate to a worthy cause. You can find some charities specifically focused on fighting hunger here.
Keep and open eye and ear to volunteer opportunities going on in our community right now.